Chicken Noodle Soup For The Awkward Girl's Soul

A hearty serving of Chicken Noodle Soup For The Awkward Girl's Soul.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Awkward Girl Interactions

      Hey awkward girls. Just wanted to let everyone know that I get tickled pink when people interact with me because I'm a huge creep/procrastinating student who will do ANYTHING to put off that English paper--so if you ever tweet at me and I find it humorous, I might follow you, RT you, favorite you, or awkwardly DM you (yes, I have done this before--NOTHING is off limits because, as previously stated, I'm a creep who sings to myself in the car and passes it off as a "phone conversation").  Also, I secretly really want to randomly follow my followers for shits n gigs, so like if I follow you one day for no particular reason, don't be alarmed because it really is for no particular reason. Hmmnn what else...oh and if you "hate tweet" me (is this the proper terminology?) odds are I'll favorite/RT it because I genuinely think it's hilarious when people call me out for sucking (That's what she said HAHA RIGHT? No? Anyone? Anyone? I'm not talking).  So, yeah, if you ever wanna email me an awkward story or whatever, don't be shy (though I would never do this myself, so I can't really talk) and shoot me an email to  Also, for all you prepubescent h8rs out there, a "I hate you, you're not funny or awkward and I should take over this twitter because I'm ssOoOOOooo much more awkward!!!" note would be so much more fun over email because there is no 140 character limit on that puppy. So, by all means, take advantage of my high tech email service.

P.S. if you unfollow me after this blog post for fear I'm going to awkwardly interact with you--there will be no hard feelings.  Though if you're mean to me, I'll probably still interact with you. I'm like Taylor Swift (though I don't write songs, sing, have boyfriends, or are extremely pretty and successful--so actually this comparison is totally inapplicable) of Twitter--MEsS WiTh MeEe, I'LL MeSSSss YooUU uPpPp!!!

P.P.S. If you can't tell I was joking right there, then we will never be friends.

P.P.P.S. Basically I'm asking for you socially inadequate specimens to interact with me more so I can practice my social skills and occupy my time in class and feel like people are actually reading my tweets (because I have this huge fear that 5 of my closest friends just randomly made 15,000 twitter accounts with the sole purpose of following me in order to make me feel relevant).

Peace, love, and insomnia
Awkward Girl