Chicken Noodle Soup For The Awkward Girl's Soul

A hearty serving of Chicken Noodle Soup For The Awkward Girl's Soul.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Throwback Thursday

Ah, the 90s/early 2000s.  It was a simple time-- a time of easy bake ovens, Mary-Kate and Ashley straight-to-VHS movies, Slime Time Live, spiral shoelaces, skip-it, frosted tips and tons and tons of other awesome things.  I'm going to *try* to write a Throwback Thursday post every week reminiscing on the golden days (we'll see how this pans out) because 2013 is so gross.  I feel sorry for the kids that don't know the Zoog Disney "Let's watch a Disney channel movie" song that played before every, well, Disney channel movie.  A girl I worked with who was just a few years younger than me didn't know why Nick Lachey was famous (other than the fact that he was married to Jessica Simpson and is extremely attractive).  Crazy, crazy times we live in.  In an effort to revive your and my monotonous Thursdays, I present to you the first order of business: GEL PENS!

"And on the seventh day, God rested and he was pleased with what he had created. Except he noticed there were no gel pens, and so gel pens rained down from the heavens and fell onto the land" (Book of Awkward Girl 3:11-12).  Even this picture of these bright colored assorted writing utensils is making my heart go all jiggly and is causing a huge smile to creep onto my face.  I received the above pack of gel pens for my 8th birthday and it is still one of my favorite presents to date.

Teachers just didn't understand the firm grasp these vessels of happiness had on their students.  I DON'T CARE IF YOU CAN'T READ MY TANGERINE COLORED INK ON THAT WHITE PIECE OF PAPER, MRS. SMITH.  Haha, just kidding, I cared--which is why I stopped using these bad boys when my grade school enacted a "no gel pens during class" ban.  Interestingly enough, I didn't stop carrying around my Pokemon cards when a similar ban was enacted, but that's another story.

One of my first (what I thought was) funny statements involved me asking a friend if they "gel-ous" that I had more gel pens than them and they didn't get it--but it didn't matter because I HAD MORE GEL PENS THAN THEM.  It was the currency of my 2nd grade class, which sparked controversy when some kid tried to swap his cheap gel pen for someone else's state-of-the-art swirly one.

Basically, these were awesome and I miss them.

Peace, love, and swirly colored goodness in a plastic tube,

Awkward Girl

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