Chicken Noodle Soup For The Awkward Girl's Soul

A hearty serving of Chicken Noodle Soup For The Awkward Girl's Soul.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Awkward Girl's Guide to Gift-Giving

I don't know about you guys, but lately I've been suckered into attending housewarming parties, Christmas parties, and secret santa exchanges. Buying presents is hard and buying presents people will actually like is even harder. Luckily for you, I've compiled a list of items that no one but a select few people will appreciate, but really I am just hoping that my mom sees this list and it serves as inspiration for a potential gift.

ALL RIGHT, EVERYONE WHO IS NOT MY MOM, SKIP TO THE NEXT PARAGRAPH. Mom--this should help spark ideas and make shopping a little less painful. Also, is it okay if I bring home my laundry again for Christmas? You're just so much better at it than me and I still think a mouse lives in my basement. And I know I reenacted that whole "I'M NOT AFRAID ANYMORE! DID YOU HEAR ME? I'M NOT AFRAID ANYMORE" bit from Home Alone last night when I was down there, but I am actually still terrified and it's all bravado. LYLAS.

All right, let's get down to the Christmas gift ideas. Because that's really what it's all about. Or was that the hokey pokey? Side note: I am actually not qualified at all to give people advice on gift-giving, so let's pretend that I am. Okay, carry on.

Because who doesn't want to wake up to Kate Sanders' sneering face judging you for your wardrobe choices? Might be a good change of pace from your cat.

This Christmas sweater* is perfect for the Miley h8r/pop-culture enthusiast in your life.

*Not an actual sweater, is a sweatshirt made to look like a sweater. You have been warned.

This artwork is badass and gets me all pumped to be a woman and I actually just love everything in this Etsy store and want to buy all of it. 

Kind of upset there isn't an Even Stevens floor plan, but, hey. You can't win 'em all. Michelle Tanner's humble abode will do. I also apparently love random pieces of art, who knew?

They'll tell you I'm insane for owning this, but it'll never go out of style. Perfect for the blank space on your mantle.

I wear this sweater year-round. You should buy it too just so I don't feel alone. This might be a cry for help. I also look approximately 12-13x happier wearing it than the chick in this photo does. Why does she look like that? Why is she so sad? Is it because she's modeling a Christmas sweater on Amazon? Did she just remember that the Kardashians exist? What is going on, girl?

Self-explanatory. Puns > Life. I honestly hate that stupid board game, though. Not really sure if that's the best thing to compare puns to. Oh, well.

Ooooh, I think that I found myself a cheerleader...clock. Or something. Let's be honest, we all get tripped up on these clocks anyway, might as well get one that is actually useless. 

See also: A vast majority of those wanderers are hunting down the free samples at Costco. There's some funny de-motivational stuff in this girl's store. Check it out. Or don't. Live your life. Spread your wings. Throw away your inhibitions (just make sure you don't accidentally throw away your retainer with them, we've all been there before).

One of my followers is actually an ambassador for "Love your melon." I'd never heard of it, but it's pretty cool. The goal is to give a hat to every kid battling cancer in America and 50% of net-proceeds are donated to foundations dedicated to cancer research and family programs. And the hats are super cute, so it's basically a win-win.

May your hands never be as cold as your heart <3 <3 <3



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